Monday, May 3

Yours Truly...

I am in collaboration with Kim of the Natural Baby Company and the gals over at Western Sky Knits to raise money for our dear friend Stephanie. On top of co-chairing, I am also working with Tina of Green Strings to offer up 3 custom socks with her yarn for the fundraiser! YUM! I can't wait to show off the pics of those (tomorrow). We have AMAZING things coming in for the auction, so start saving and get ready to bid.


We can do no great things, only small things with great love. 
~Mother Teresa 

Stephanie’s day back in January started as a pretty normal day – at home, happily pregnant and raising two other beautiful babies (2 and 4 years old). But something was off and she was soon found unconscious. Long story short, Stephanie was hit by some nasty stuff that resulted in a mom’s nightmare come true… at around 29 weeks, her baby was delivered via emergency c-section as Stephanie herself developed a massive blood clot in her spine that left her paralyzed from the neck down. For over 3 months, Stephanie battled infection after infection in critical care while her new son fought his own fight in the NICU. It was determined that if Stephanie was going to overcome any of the paralysis, then her best hope lay in a specialist hospital in another state.

In mid-April, Stephanie finally kicked the last infection out the door and was able to begin her therapy – weaning off of the ventilator, learning to eat food again, getting the chance to use her voice, and, like a miracle of the highest degree, moved her arm twice. Her sweet baby, back in his home state, is growing, getting stronger, and up to 4lbs now!

When you look at Stephanie, with her fantastic mane of bright red hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a bright charming smile, you can’t help but to feel wrapped up in the love that surrounds her. The light that beckons from her depth is inspiring, stunning in its strength and courage – I don’t know if Stephanie even recognizes that she possesses such power, but as she begins the long road ahead, I have no doubt that she will soon discover it. And she will need it, as well as all that we have to offer.

Who knows what lessons or plans the Universe has for this family, but Stephanie and her family can’t do this alone. They NEED our help – travel expenses (her amazing husband and mom fly back and forth between the two states to make sure Stephanie is never alone), medical bills are piling up, and food is a helpful blessing in their little hospital apartment. Stephanie is surrounded by a remarkable community back home and they have stepped up to the plate caring for the other two kids, supporting her husband, maintaining her home, and boosting her confidence.

Many of you may not know Stephanie, but her story will impact your life in a small way, I am sure. Your donation in this auction benefit, will in turn, impact hers. Thank you SO much for your support, your prayers, and your love.

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